
AEM Induction

AEM has been a leader in the development of precision tuned induction systems since the Battle of the Imports. Today, the Company’s induction systems number in the hundreds. AEM is still the one to beat.

AEM developed one of the first Packaged Air Induction Systems. It's design came from their experience in dyno testing, understanding intake energy dynamics and racing at the Battle of the Imports. AEM’s presence in the tuner movement and its proximity to Nissan, TRD and Honda allowed them a unique opportunity. There was an advantage to living side by side with racers and working with OES engineers. AEM was able to understand both the practical and theoretical side of engine performance. AEM's first air intake kit was offered for sale in 1994 as a "Do-It-Yourself" upgrade for the Honda CRX. This intake proved to be the beginning of a whole new tradition. People could suddenly purchase affordable cars and modify them for increased torque and horsepower. 

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