Swift Springs
Swift Springs was founded in 1997 in Tokyo, Japan as a motorsports division of Tokyo Hatsujo Manufacturing Co, Ltd. that has been leading the spring industry since 1924. Their first-hand involvement within the race industry has propelled Swift quickly through the ranks of some of the world’s most reputable races. Swift Springs quickly became one of the most recognized and respected name in performance coil springs in many genre of motorsports throughout the world. The purpose was to demonstrate superior engineering in spring by developing the next generation of motorsports suspension coil springs. They had to have the best characteristics of any brand or design in the market, which required the springs to be the lightest in weight and most durable, and to exhibit the most linear characteristics while still being cost effective.
Experience the Swift advantage and understand why top racers swear by our springs. For optimal performance, outfit your vehicle with Swift Springs on all corners and feel the difference for yourself.